Title: Les Miserables Cosette's Fate
Developer: Microids
Publisher: Anuman Interactive
Released: 2016
Will poor Cosette be doomed to this sad existence?
Cosette is the young daughter of Fantine. Fantine is unable to care for her daughter, so she leaves her in the care of the Thernardiers. The Thernardiers are cruel, and treat Cosette like a slave. Cosette longs to hear from her mother, so she hopes to find a letter from Fantine hidden in the house, in order to escape the Thernardiers and go to her mother's address. The game play centers around solving small puzzles that will assist in Cosette's escape to seek out a better future.
The game art is done in a somewhat cartoon manner. While the images are visually appealing, they are not the sharp graphics many teens would be used to in modern game play. The style is somewhat more reminiscent of games from about a decade ago- less sophisticated than even those found on a Nintendo Wii. Teens who play a lot of puzzle style computer games may be somewhat disappointed in the graphic quality.
Similarly, the game mechanics themselves are overly simplistic. While game play does involve navigating through various scenes, combining tools, and solving mini-puzzles. I encountered minor glitches with several of the interactive scenes, which resulted in frustration and prevented me from really enjoying the game very much.
Similarly, the game mechanics themselves are overly simplistic. While game play does involve navigating through various scenes, combining tools, and solving mini-puzzles. I encountered minor glitches with several of the interactive scenes, which resulted in frustration and prevented me from really enjoying the game very much.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Video Game
Not applicable
A brief discussion on the general story of Les Miserables, and its various representations in popular media.
A discussion on what makes for a good video game
Not applicable
12 and up
Issues: Could be
challenged intimations of mild violence within the game.
this game were challenged I would:
· Listen to the concerns of the person
raising the challenge
· Consult the library’s collection
development policy
· Explain how this work meets a library
need based on the collection development policy
· Consult YALSA’s Dealing with Challenges to
Young Adult Materials
· Consult reviews on VOYA, Amazon,
Common Sense Media, and Kirkus
· Discuss any awards or notable
commendations the game received
· Explain the library’s commitment to
intellectual freedom as discussed in the ALA Library Bill of
· Give the patron the procedure for a
formal challenge should they seek to pursue it
was this game selected:
Hidden picture games appeal to a different kind of gamer than shooter style games. In order to have a well rounded collection, I wanted to include a game that was more puzzle oriented. I especially liked that this game was based on a classic work of literature. Another aspect that made me select this game is it is available for free download through OnePlay, which is part of the e-resource collection at many of the libraries in my area. This means the game could either be added to the library's computers for in house use, or patrons can download it for free to their own computers as part of the services and resources provided through the library. I want to stress that this game can either be purchased as a stand alone piece of software or as part of the OnePlay package, this is not a free internet game. The library would be investing materials money to acquire this game. I was disappointed that the game was not more enjoyable.
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