Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Blurryface CD, by Twenty One Pilots

Album Image:

Bibliographic Information:
Title: Blurryface
Artist: Twenty One Pilots
Label: Fueled by Ramen
Released: 2015

Reader’s Annotation:
Catchy alterative pop album

The fourth album released by the band Twenty One Pilots, this CD contains 14 different tracks.  Several tracks were released as singles.  The album went double platinum in the United States.

Critical Evaluation:
The album contains songs with a variety of sounds.  The majority of the songs are quick in tempo, and serve as update dance tracks.  One such track, “Stressed Out”, starts mellow with a slight rap, but also contains a very melodic, somewhat electronic sounding hook and chorus.  The record feels fairly light, and slightly boisterous.

The sound quality on the record is excellent.  It is free from extraneous noise on the tracks.  Various musical effects are used on tracks, including what sounds like autotune and other forms of distortion, which leads to the songs having a distinct sound, but that sound is still very clean.  It was clear this was recorded in a professional studio, and the result is a CD that sounds great.

Author Biography:
Not applicable


Curriculum Ties:
Not applicable

Booktalk Ideas:
You could do a booktalk where teens discuss their favorite track from the album

A general discussion on the types of music that influenced the sound of this album.

Reading Level:
Not applicable

Interest Age: 
13 and up

Challenge Issues: Could potentially be challenged due to lyrics alluding to guns or violence, and materialism.

  If this item were challenged I would:
·         Listen to the concerns of the person raising the challenge
·         Consult the library’s collection development policy
·         Explain how this work meets a library need based on the collection development policy 
·         Consult YALSA’s Dealing with Challenges to Young Adult Materials
·         Consult reviews on VOYA, Amazon, Common Sense Media, and Kirkus
·         Discuss any awards or notable commendations the book received
·         Explain the library’s commitment to intellectual freedom as discussed in the ALA Library Bill of Rights
·         Give the patron the procedure for a formal challenge should they seek to pursue it

Why was this item selected:

When I asked teens who some of the hot new artists are, the most popular answer I got, hands down, was Twenty One Pilots.  One of their songs was featured in the “Suicide Squad” movie and on the films soundtrack, so I think more and more teens are discovering the band.  The album has a very catchy sound, and I have heard several of the singles on the radio, so clearly this is a popular CD.  

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